5 Things Every #Reddit Newbie Needs To Know

Reddit recently released a beginner’s guide to their popular website, which gave newbies a thorough guide on … well, on how to Reddit. It’s a great read if you’re new-ish browser to the site. But what if you’ve never even been on Reddit? 1. Voting At its most basic, Reddit is a message board where users submit links — photos,…

Apple ci riprova con i #socialnetwork

L’azienda di Cupertino ha assunto Musa Tariq, ex Nike e Burberry, come Digital Marketing Director per dare un nuovo impulso alla sua presenza sui canali social Come diceva Steve Jobs “Qualche volta quando innovi fai degli errori ed è meglio ammetterli“. Mai frase fu più opportuna per descrivere la situazione in cui vive Apple attualmente a livello di comunicazione sui…

Come fa #Facebook a conoscere i siti che visitiamo

Sarà sicuramente capitato a tutti almeno una volta di notare, mentre eravamo su Facebook, che tra le pagine o annunci proposti guarda caso sia comparso proprio qualcosa che abbiamo cercato di recente su Google o che riguardava comunque un sito visitato negli tempi. A questo punto ci viene il dubbio: si tratta di una banale coincidenza o c’è qualcuno che…

3 Sneaky Ways to Make #SocialMedia Less Stressful

If you ever feel overwhelmed by a never-ending stream of Facebook notifications, this article is for you. These three sneaky ways to make social media less stressful will change your Facebook feed into a more peaceful place. 1. Delete Hateful People to Make Facebook a Happier Place Ain’t nobody got time for negativity. If a person complains 24/7, leaves hateful…

The Best Times To Post On #SocialMedia

From what the SumAll study has gathered, the general rule is to catch people on their downtime to optimize your social media activities. The most ideal times are–early morning (when people are on their way to their workplaces), or during their “settling in” period at work, lunch break, or in the evenings, when work is done. However, the above rule…

The True Cost of Not Embracing Social Media

If you’re a business owner or active online, you’re probably very aware of social media. You’ve likely been told hundreds of times how important it is for your business, that you need to be active on Twitter, communicating with people on Facebook and getting to grips with Google+. You may already be using social media and seeing good returns from…

Social Media Strategies for Google+

The key to any social media strategy is to know your target audience. Before engaging audiences with a marketing campaign, businesses must become acquainted with the people who are most likely to purchase products or services. While knowledge of basic demographics is important, learning how an audience engages online through social media platforms like Google+ is the driving force behind…

Come fare Comment Marketing

Avevo già introdotto l’argomento qualche post fa ma visto che considero il Comment Marketing come una delle migliori strategie da mettere in campo per aumentare il valore del nostro brand ho deciso di ritornarvici e dedicarvici lo spazio che merita. Per chi non lo conoscesse cominciamo a rispondere alla prima domanda:“che cosa è?” Semplice, per Comment Marketing intendiamo tutte quelle…